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Outsourced CFO Services for Long-Term Growth Delivery

Led by the highly skilled, internationally experienced CFO and e-gaming professional
Heleon von der Fecht, HELEON LTD. is a Specialist Financial Consultancy that identifies and unlocks business potential. 

Unlock your organisation’s true potential with help from a top-level CFO

Whether you’re looking for the services of a top-level CFO to assist you on a part-time basis or expert guidance on sustainable business processes and structures to deliver long-term and sustainable growth for your business, HELEON LTD. is equipped and ready to help.

Today more than ever, a seasoned “hands-on” CFO — who understands the multiple disciplines within a business and how these should interrelate with each other — is key to achieving goals and setting a business on the path to success. We help businesses deliver through our three-pillar approach:

As a Specialist Financial Consultancy with a base in London, we utilise our collective experience to deliver specialised services in areas such as forensic investigations, financial modelling, training and development and business structuring.

Enlist the skills and acumen of an experienced, UK-based CFO without the expense or commitment of a permanent appointment. Contact us today to discuss the future of your business.

Who we help

We solve problems with tailor-made solutions

Our clients rely on us to identify the root causes of the problems within their businesses and create bespoke solutions to address them.  

At HELEON LTD. we’re problem solvers as well as modern and experienced CFO's. Our clients come to us with a variety of issues in the knowledge that we will apply our expertise and experience to get right to the heart of the matter.

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“My business is profitable, but this isn’t

reflected in my cash reserves…

“We have very competent people in key positions, but we still can’t access the information we need for informed

decision making…

"Our business has great potential, but we are not geared to scale up in order to realise it…

“I want to focus on my services to

customers, but I spend too much time

managing ineffective processes…

We hear issues like these every week. And every week, we provide explanations and solutions designed to overcome them. Let us help you overcome your challenges. Contact us today to get started.

Who we are

More than just an Outsourced CFO

At HELEON LTD. we offer a blend of finance experience, general management skills and business leadership.  Our multidisciplinary team includes specialist advisers, legal experts and collaborators from a variety of backgrounds.


We have been helping businesses deliver business growth and profitability for more than 20 years. We can do the same for your business. For a clearer pathway to sustained profitability based on unique insights and advice, get in touch with HELEON LTD. today.

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Outsourced Finance

Our Approach to Outsourced Finance

outsourced financial services

Profitability and liquidity are always our top priorities

E-gaming Financial Services

A collaborative approach based on the needs of your business

Interim CFO

Shape your business architecture with detailed blueprints for success

Outsourced CFO

Utilise a process-driven approach that drives efficiencies and operational improvements

E-gaming Business Architecture

Get real-world insights from someone you can trust

The key to sustainable growth lies in integrating siloed management structures into lean and informed decision-making teams. Businesses run into problems when key decisions are made without the input of relevant stakeholders. When this happens, leaders have to accept unsatisfactory results because — by the time the consequences of these decisions are made apparent — it’s often too late or too expensive to take a different approach. 


At HELEON LTD. we favour a logical, systematic approach to decision-making that prevents this kind of costly scenario. We ensure all stakeholders are involved in every key decision to minimise — or eliminate — communicated-related problems. Your organisation can benefit from our fully customisable approach to outsourced business services — because it makes your priorities our priorities.


Everything we do starts with assessing your business’s financial discipline. Once we have done that, we will create a bespoke approach that delivers various benefits


Outsourced, hands-on services from an experienced CFO should always be based on trust — whether that involves working with investors or key stakeholders. That’s why we get to know the people behind the businesses we serve. To find out more, contact us today.


Our Outsourced Business Services

Fractional CFO Services

Optimise your financial performance with business expertise and strategic guidance that don’t involve prohibitive employee overheads.

E-Gaming Financial Coaching and Training Services

Optimise your financial performance with business expertise and strategic guidance that don’t involve prohibitive employee overheads.

Team Establishment and Development

Build high-performing teams through business coaching and personal development to foster a culture of achievement throughout your organisation.

Business Organisation

Enhance your agility and responsiveness through expert organisational structuring — and boost your organisation’s resilience and efficiency.

Interim CFO Services

Navigate transition or transformation periods with the help of an experienced interim CFO — and deliver the stability and continuity your organisation needs.

Payment Service Provider Procurement, Set-Up and Integration

Navigate transition or transformation periods with the help of an experienced interim CFO — and deliver the stability and continuity your organisation needs.

Financial Modelling

Utilise our advanced financial modelling techniques to gain valuable insights, seize business opportunities and mitigate risks.

Contract Negotiation

Maximise the value of your agreements with favourable terms and conditions that protect your long-term business interests.

Business Architecture

Align your operation with your strategic vision using business architectures that deliver sustainable growth.

Business Structuring

Streamline your organisation for improved efficiency and adaptability — and maximise the potential for long-term success.

Forensic Investigations

Root out financial irregularities, locate misappropriated funds, audit suppliers, trace assets and more with forensic-level investigations. We will work diligently to protect your business’s financial interests, integrity and reputation.

Dispute Resolution

Resolve conflicts with confidence and composure to achieve fair and equitable resolutions for your business.

Why choose us for Outsourced CFO Services

Here at HELEON LTD. we like to think of ourselves as problem solvers. We have a proven track record of finding solutions to complex problems where others have failed. The secrets to our success are our unwavering attention to detail and our determination to deliver for our clients. 


With us in your corner, you’ll either get the solutions you’re looking for or recognise the need for in-depth investigations into your operations. We deliver results for our clients because we’ve developed a three-pronged approach to our specialist financial consulting services.

Proven Expertise

Leverage our international finance and general management expertise to deliver long-term growth and a clear vision for the future. Your assets are in the safest possible hands with us.

Client-Centric Approach

Get the tailor-made solutions you need to deliver tangible and sustainable results based on your business's specific needs and challenges.

Emphasis on Training and Learning

We are dedicated to empowering your team through coaching and development, fostering a self-sustaining culture of achievement

Enlist the services of a Specialist Financial Consultancy today

Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey towards financial excellence? 

Join forces with HELEON LTD. and experience the power of simplified, logical and relevant business processes. Contact us today at HELEON LTD. to explore innovative ways to unleash your organisation's true potential.

Remember, at HELEON LTD. your success is our driving force. Let's create a prosperous future together.

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